5 minutes with Jane Devonshire
Since winning MasterChef in 2016, Jane has taken the bull by the food horns and tested herself further by working with a number of amazing chefs including Marcus Wareing, Atul Kochher, Jason Atherton, Michel Roux and Michael O’Hare at their restaurants.
Jane has presented at numerous Food & Drink Shows around the UK including BBC Good Food Show and Ideal Home to name but a few. Her travels have taken her from Edinburgh to Brighton and loads in-between, learning that she has a love of presenting her recipes and chatting to people about food.

What are you most looking forward to at Ludlow Food Festival?
I have never been to Ludlow so cannot wait to see this beautiful part of the country and to sample all of the local produce on offer. I am such a huge fan of Britiish food and producers so the chance to meet more is really exciting.
What’s your top tip for seasonal produce in September?
Harvest and freeze or preserve as much fruit as you can, throughout winter I use frozen fruits blackcurrants, apples, blackberries etc to make easy crumbles and all sorts of desserts over the winter.
What’s your best food hack/top shortcut? e.g. freeze ripe bananas, learn to use a knife properly
Keep a good store cupboard, I use tins of pulses, frozen veg and fish and herbs and spices so I can always knock something up even when I don’t have time to shop. It also means you can always spice up any plain dish and with the pulses bulk out curries etc if you suddenly have extra mouths to feed.
What’s your store cupboard essential/the one ingredient you couldn’t live without?
Butter, it always makes everything taste better.
What’s your current favourite recipe?
My favourite recipe at the moment is the Peanut Butter Cheesecake in the recipe book Hassle Free Gluten Free everyone is going mad for it and I really did not anticipate that much of a reaction its wonderful