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Meet our Sponsor: Airstream Facilities

Airstream Facilities supplies custom fitted production trailers and luxury accommodation units to the Event, Film and TV industries. We are so thankful that they are part of the Ludlow Food Festival family, sponsoring us with the coolest ticket and information office possible. We caught up with Aime to find out more. 

Meet our Sponsor: Airstream Facilities

Airstream Facilities supplies custom fitted production trailers and luxury accommodation units to the Event, Film and TV industries. We are so thankful that they are part of the Ludlow Food Festival family, sponsoring us with the coolest ticket and information office possible. We caught up with Aime to find out more. 

Airstream Facilities
Airstream Facilities

Name: Amie Jones

Job Description: Office Manager/PA

Tell us about Airstream Facilities? We have over 45 airstreams which are used for event and festival accommodation as well as green rooms for the TV & Film Industry. 


Airstream Facilities
Airstream Facilities

What is your company approach and what makes Airstream Facilities special?  We are a completely unique company with the largest airstream fleet in Europe.  

What is special about Ludlow as a place? All the lovely little shops.

What is your favourite place to eat and drink in Ludlow? The Queens!

What inspired you to partner with Ludlow Food Festival in its 25th Year? We've been keen to get involved for many years and our 2019 schedule allowed us to! 

Why do you think the Festival is important for the town? It definitely puts Ludlow on the map nationally for a foodie town!

What are you looking forward to most about Ludlow Food Festival? All the testers/samples :)