A 'Day in the Life at Balfours Ludlow', with Sales Manager, Scott Kemsley
Ludlow Food Festival sponsors Balfours are trusted and experienced property professionals and have had a very busy 2022 so far. We thought we’d take a step into their shoes - for a day in the life at Balfour’s Ludlow office with Sales Manager Scott Kemsley.

A ‘Day in the Life at Balfours Ludlow’, with Sales Manager, Scott Kemsley
Ludlow Food Festival sponsors Balfours are trusted and experienced property professionals and have had a very busy 2022 so far. We thought we’d take a step into their shoes - for a day in the life at Balfour’s Ludlow office with Sales Manager Scott Kemsley.
Over to you, Scott…
The kettle has just yielded a good strong coffee and I’m already scrolling emails. I am expecting a call in from one vendor, they have received a very good offer (over guide) on their house at the weekend. My thoughts are that they should accept, but we will see.
Meantime at the office we have a team meeting first thing, so that everyone is up to speed on what to expect, updating offers, acceptances and deadlines to be met during the day. I then leave the Ludlow office in the capable hands of Cathrine and Vida. It’s a beautiful day and the drive to the Corvedale for my 9.30am appointment is stunning.
On arrival, first impressions, the owners obviously take pride in their home. The approach is through a cottage style garden to a timber framed porch. I haven’t met the owners before, but they were referred via a previous client; we take a walk around before settling to talk over coffee.
As an agent, of more years than I care to remember, I have already checked out comparable market evidence. While location, square footage, surroundings and views, are key. Also important is presentation internally including the number of bathrooms/en-suites. Externally, garden, garage and out-buildings are considerations. Nowadays EPC’s except on Listed properties and the strength of the Wifi for working from home are very relevant to buyers.
I get to understand the reason behind their desire to move and explain my valuation, together with what Balfours have to offer as a bespoke service, and the process of bringing their property to the market: Description, survey measurements, photographs, all to be signed off by the client. I depart giving them time to think things through. Already I have a couple of missed calls. It turns out the office has now fielded one, for a viewing asap. The other is the vendor accepting the offer which came in at the weekend. It’s a good decision and Cathrine closes the deal.
The team have had a busy morning and there are follow up calls to be made to buyers and their solicitors to jolly things along for our clients, the vendors. Apparently, a young couple visited us at Broad Street, and have asked what we have in the town centre. We have several, for which they took details away and Cathrine has put them on the mailing list for anything which comes onto the market within their brief.
The early afternoon is taken up with a second sales meeting where we run through the mornings progress. I simply cannot believe how busy 2022 has been so far. Supply remains the sticking point for us, we have so many house hunting and simply not enough stock. It’s a good time to sell. Time for the girls to go home, I want to clear today’s emails, before I follow suit.
Visit Balfours Ludlow website: https://www.balfours.co.uk/contact/item/977-estate-agency-ludlow] and follow them on Instagram and Facebook.